NEQM Library
The NEQM Library offers thousands of quilt resources to researchers and quiltmakers of all skill levels. Among the largest in America, the collection includes reference and instructional books, current and back issues of quilt magazines, and rare and out-of-print books. Knowledgeable volunteers can loan books and videos by mail to Museum members anywhere in the United States.
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From exhibition profiles to artist talks and curator lectures, experience the best of human creativity at the New England Quilt Museum.
Mass Quilts
Do you want to know more about your antique or family quilt made before 1950? The Massachusetts Quilt Documentation Project (MassQuilts) holds documentation days at the NEQM on the second Thursday of some months by reservation only. $10 members / $15 non-members. To make an appointment, please call 978-452-4207, extension 15.
Volunteers are an integral part of life at the NEQM and are welcome in every department. If you have time to give, spend it in the enriching environment of one of New England’s most treasured museums. You could assist visitors in the Library, lead a group tour, install an exhibition with the curator, or assist in a variety of administrative roles. Prospective volunteers should be enthusiastic, flexible, and willing to learn new things. Please download the volunteer application and send it to volunteer@nequiltmuseum.org