“We are preparing to reopen the New England Quilt Museum on Tuesday, July 7, 2020, as part of the Governor’s Phase III plan to reopen Massachusetts. Now, perhaps more than ever, museums are fundamental to our individual well-being and our communities. The NEQM staff and volunteers look forward to welcoming you.
Maintaining a healthy museum environment requires everyone’s cooperation. As you prepare to visit, please be aware that we are taking measures to ensure that your experience is both enjoyable and safe.
• A maximum of 20 visitors are allowed inside the Museum galleries and store at one time • If we reach capacity, you may be asked to wait outside momentarily • Face masks are required for everyone inside the building • Social distancing markers and directional signage are in place to facilitate movement through the galleries and store. • Hand sanitizer is available at several stations in the galleries and store. • Our staff regularly sanitize all high-touch areas throughout the day. • We hope to resume our calendar of public programs and workshops later this year. Please check our website or subscribe to our monthly e-newsletter for future updates.
For a museum centered on uniting people with diverse interests and world views around the timeless art of quiltmaking, we feel the impact of our sixteen-week closure acutely. We are grateful for your continued support during this unprecedented time.”